We now have both the new clarity and an easy road to Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan forgiveness for the self-employed with no employees.
New Easy Road to 100 Percent Forgiveness
Say thanks to the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act of 2020. This new law creates a 24-week period for you to spend your PPP loan proceeds. If you obtained your loan proceeds before June 5, you can elect to use the eight-week period to spend your PPP loan proceeds.
Here’s the big difference:
If the 24-week covered period applies, your loan forgiveness for your deemed payroll is capped at
2.5 months of your 2019 Schedule C net profit, not to exceed $20,833.
If you elect the eight-week covered period, your loan forgiveness for your deemed payroll is capped at eight weeks, not to exceed $15,385.
Why Is This Important?
When you file as a Schedule C taxpayer and have no employees, your PPP loan is based on 2.5 times your 2019 Schedule C, line 31, net profit, limited to $20,833.
Here’s how the loan amount works:

You may have your loan proceeds either in hand or in play at this point.
(If you have not yet applied for your PPP loan, do so now. Lawmakers recently reopened the program with an eye on using the remaining funds. Under this new law, the extension of the PPP loan program will last until the earlier of August 8, 2020, or the day the funds are exhausted.)
Let’s keep our eyes on the “easy road” to forgiveness. Under the new 24-month rule, you achieve 100 percent forgiveness when you pay yourself the total loan amount
date you received your loan et’s round the 10.8 to 11 weeks.
Yes, you are reading this correctly. By simply using the loan proceeds on yourself during the first 11 weeks, you achieve total forgiveness.
Note this. By using the 11 weeks, you achieve total PPP loan forgiveness without having to spend any money on rent, utilities, or interest.
Stay tuned for Part 2 on this series about PPP Loan Forgiveness for the Self Employed.